Friday, June 10, 2022

Roulette Random Number And If Statement C++

Java™ An object-oriented programming language initially developed by Sun Microsystems. Java applications can run on many various kinds of computers, client electronics, and different units. Java Virtual Machine A program that interprets Java bytecode and points machine directions. Just in Time compilers Java compilers that construct bytecode into code particular for the resident processor. Keywords In C++, phrases reserved by the language that have specific syntax and actions. For instance, switch, for, if, and float are keywords in C++. (There are a total of sixtythree keywords in C++.) linker A software program program that hooks or hyperlinks machine code and library code collectively to form an executable file. Local variable A variable declared either inside a function or within the function header line. Local variables exist only while this system management is in the perform. Logical operator An operator that evaluates AND, OR, or NOT circumstances. Loop A collection of C++ statements enabling this system to repeat line of code till a certain condition is met. Loop altering statement A line of C++ code that changes the value of a variable used in the condition-checking decision for a loop. Lvalue A C++ entity which might be found on the left facet of an assignment operator. Make file In the UNIX surroundings, a make file specifies the files and libraries for a program.

Roulette random number and if statement c - Java An object-oriented programming language originallyinitially developed by Sun Microsystems

Malloc The C commonplace library function that allocated reminiscence as this system is executing. Memory The bodily location in the laptop that gives space for storing for program information and variables. Microsoft Foundation Class One implementation of an object-oriented setting for the event of application programs for Microsoft Windows. See Windows API. Microsoft Project Microsoft Visual C++ requires that the program information be contained in a project. For both selection methods, elitist and roulette, memory administration was the identical. To reduce the memory-based operations, we generated a population-length array with the indices of every individual throughout the population and we applied the choice technique to this array . Some necessary issues of every choice follow. In the case of the elitist methodology, a Thrust function sort_by_key() was used, so we obtained a sorted array of indices comparable to the current position of the individuals that they point to. Instead of initializing all of the threads with a identical seed , we assign the current clock time plus the thread identifier as a unique seed per thread . This allows a fast parallel initialization of all of the random number states, whereas it prevents the use of the greatest quality random numbers. Although the number distribution is not as uniform for our strategy as for the opposite one, in our case GA executions don't endure from noticeable health variations .

Roulette random number and if statement c - Malloc The C standardnormalcommonplace library functionperformoperate that allocatedallotted memoryreminiscence as the programthis system is executing

Meanwhile, efficiency disparity grows in a huge manner. Specifically, our checks reveal that the second case is greater than 200 instances quicker for 256 individuals and more than 3000 times for 1024 individuals. The ability to construct interesting C++ applications right away. By the time we reach Chapter 7, we are familiar with courses. The mechanics of writing object-oriented software program are based mostly on the ideas we've been studying in the first a number of chapters. In the latter chapters, we write a number of programs using most of the courses we write in addition to the lessons C++ provides us. Accompanying CD with This Book One compact disc is included with this book. On it's a copy of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, which may be put in on a personal computer and used to construct and run C++ programs. This software contains the Visual Studio C++ development instruments as nicely as a superb C++ Language Reference. These examples are organized into Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 project folders, and every is situated in its respective chapter folder. The project folders should be copied onto the reader's hard drive.

Roulette random number and if statement c - Meanwhile

The projects may be opened using Visual C++ 2005, or the source recordsdata can be copied and compiled in other C++ environments. ISO C++, Not Visual C++ The programs included on this textual content are written in accordance with the International Standards Organization C++ requirements. You may run these programs on any pc system that has ISO commonplace C++ software program. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 software program is included so that you could be load it in your private computer at residence and follow writing C++ applications. One appendix covers the method to install and get started with this software program. Another appendix covers tips on how to use the debugger in Visual C++ 2005. We shall be creating and working our packages through the use of the Console Application. Program Examples, Output, Errors, and Warnings This guide also includes a wide variety of program examples—short five-liners to multifile, multi-object, medium-size packages. Some are complete applications, and the reader is welcome to use them as starting factors for additional enlargement, corresponding to accessing the computer system time as a seed for the random number generator. You will find many examples of code which might be written incorrectly and hence don't construct and execute. (Sometimes seeing the incorrect method is more informative than seeing the best method.) We illustrate the wrong code together with the software error and/or warning messages. GALGO is a C++ template library, header solely, designed to resolve a problem underneath constraints by maximizing or minimizing an objective perform on given boundaries. GALGO can even obtain multi-objective optimization. It doesn't use any exterior C++ library, only the Standard Template Library. GALGO is fast and might use parallelism when required by way of OpenMP. GALGO is flexible and has been written in a means allowing the consumer to easily add new strategies to the genetic algorithm (within header file Evolution.hpp). This library already accommodates some methods for choice, cross-over and mutation among the many most generally used. The user can select amongst these pre-existing methods or create new ones. The new model of this library (2.0) is using metaprogramming with variadic templates and abstraction to allow optimization on an arbitrary number of parameters encoded utilizing different variety of bits.

Roulette random number and if statement c - The projectstasksinitiatives may becould alsoadditionally be opened usingutilizing Visual C 2005

How C Was Named Everyone desires to understand how the C language acquired its name. To respect how C was named, one wants to examine the historical elements of the language. C is the outcomes of a development process that began within the early Nineteen Sixties with ALGOL 60, then Cambridge's CPL in 1963, Martin Richard's BCPL in 1967, and Ken Thompson's B language in 1970 at Bell Labs. Many of C's principal ideas are based mostly in BCPL, and these concepts influenced the B and C languages. The Evolution of C and C++ For a few years the C software program equipped with the UNIX operating system was the standard C software. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie (C's unique designers) published the book, The C Programming Language , which describes this version of C. In 1978, except for the UNIX versions of C, Honeywell, IBM, and Interdata also provided application production software program for the C language. As C grew in popularity and computer hardware became extra affordable, many versions of the C language had been created. (Rumor has it that at one time there were twenty-four completely different versions of C!) Hardware distributors supplied their own versions of C, but there was no standard for the language. In 1982, an American National Standards Institute committee was fashioned to create the ANSI Standard for the C language. This standard was adopted in 1989 and ensured that builders of C software used the identical guidelines and procedures. In 1994, extensions and corrections to the ISO C Standard were adopted. The new options in the C language commonplace included additional library help for international character sets, multibyte characters and broad characters. Extensions to the C language, offering an improved model of C in addition to supporting object-oriented programming methodologies, have been designed initially by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Labs. These extensions to the C language turned often known as the C++ language. A working draft of the ISO C++ Standard was created in 1994. Over the course of a number of years, many drafts of the standard were produced. People discovered ambiguities and problems in the usual. Each draft corrected earlier issues and added a number of new features. In November 1997, the ANSI committee published the final draft of the language—which was also accredited by the ISO, making it an international commonplace.

Roulette random number and if statement c - How C Was Named Everyone wantsneedsdesires to know howunderstand howknow the way the C language acquired its name

The first selection operator launched was roulette wheel selection , which was proposed in 1975 by Holland . It has since been extensively used in many purposes of the EA, which incorporates scheduling , spanning tree , menu planning , travelling salesman drawback , and source allocation problem . It has turn into one of the most prevalent choice operators, which is predicated on the concept of proportionality. Conceptually, the health value of each individual or potential resolution in a inhabitants corresponds to the world of the roulette wheel proportions. When the roulette wheel is spun, an answer marked by the roulette wheel pointer is then chosen. The higher health value with a bigger area is more likely to have extra chances of being chosen. The segment size and choice likelihood stay the same throughout the choice phase . The advantage of this method is that it gives no bias with unlimited spread . However, certainly one of its disadvantages is that it can not handle negative health values because of the proportionality idea . In addition, it could not deal with a minimization problem instantly, however this limitation may be overcome by transforming it into an equal maximization problem . Furthermore, the other disadvantages of RWS are that when the population converges, it loses the selection pressure . The evolutionary algorithms family consists of genetic algorithm, Evolutionary Programming, Evolution Strategy, Genetic Programming, and hybrids of any EAs method . The success of an EA highly is decided by its operators . As a population-based metaheuristic search approach, one of the important operators used in an EA is selection or copy. Sivaraj and Ravichandran reviewed several choice operators within the EA. The choice operators reviewed had been, among others, roulette wheel , deterministic sampling , linear rating , binary tournament , and vary choices . Different choice mechanisms work properly with totally different problems . Thus, essentially the most suitable choice operator has to be chosen in relation to a specific downside to increase the optimality of the expected answer. Many of the GA operations could be executed in parallel in different processors or processing parts with a excessive computation to communication ratio.

Roulette random number and if statement c - The first selectionchoice operator introducedlaunched was roulette wheel selectionchoice

Therefore, GAs are good candidates to be executed in parallel and distributed computers with good speedup respect to sequential executions. This parallelization is very often necessary to obtain options of good high quality in an affordable time. Different fashions of parallelization of GA have been studied. The competition among a gaggle of fogeys is the basis for a match choice operator. Measurement of health of a possible resolution is computed for all parents and the mother or father having the best health is then selected. The time period "binary tournament" refers to the dimension of two in a match, which is the simplest form of match choice . Binary tournament selection starts by deciding on two individuals at random. Then, health values of these people are evaluated. The one having extra passable fitness is then chosen. One benefit of the match selection is its capacity to handle either minimization or maximization problems without any structural modifications. In addition, the negative value is allowed without any restriction . Despite the assorted choice operators being studied to enhance the answer of a selected drawback, there could be nonetheless some potential for enchancment within the resolution primarily based on choice procedures . Of course, issues are very completely different for multithreaded-oriented structure because of the parallel processing ability of CUDA methods. The efficiency of EA-based GA model with different choice operators was described. In this paper, we prolong the EA choice operator by introducing the RTS. The combination of both RWS and BTS in two phases of choice may produce a comparable solution with different established choice operators. The end result exhibits that the RWS continues to be the most effective suitable choice operator to the food regimen formulation downside in phrases of best-so-far solution and variety of feasible solutions obtained. However, the end result also exhibits that our proposed RTS operator is better by way of its capacity to provide many good feasible solutions when a population measurement of 30 is used. Thus, it is suitable and comparable for use in problems with actual worth encoding.

Roulette random number and if statement c - Therefore

Furthermore, the experimentation exhibits that a better end result could be obtained by rising the inhabitants dimension since EA is a population-based technique. For future research, this examine could possibly be improved by evaluating the outcomes of the proposed RTS with a binary event selection. By using RWS algorithm, dad and mom are chosen based mostly on a probability worth. In this selection, the chance to obtain a great answer is kind of excessive. However, parents with a excessive penalty worth may also be selected. On the other hand, by using BTS, two dad and mom are chosen at random; then the higher dad and mom shall be chosen. In this case, the opportunity of selecting good mother and father is kind of high, but if both selected parents are of low high quality, then the low quality father or mother shall be chosen. Therefore, by combining each RWS and BTS, the chance to acquire a great high quality answer is larger since two phases of selection can be done. Therefore, this paper proposes another selection operator that combines these two established selection operators, particularly, RWS and BTS, with the expectation that the final solution is improved. It is price to say that previous optimizations can be used in different elements of a GA, thus acquiring further speedups. A related case occurred for migration of individuals when the island model is used (see section "Study of health of parallel island model"). Timing may vary considerably depending on the pairing between threads and particular person data to be transferred. A comparison for 512 individuals between 2 cases may give us an concept of the importance of this issue. In a first check, a thread was in control of transmitting four bytes .

Roulette random number and if statement c - Furthermore

In a second take a look at, transferring was vectorized, so every thread transfers 16 bytes . Because the resultant bandwidth is 10 times greater for the vectorized case, the execution is speeded up three.5 instances. In this model, the GA is composed of a single monolithic population. It is price to mention that the implementation of the elitist choice has been focused to cut back the GPU memory bandwidth consumption. Given the fitness values of an initial population , sorting outcomes are collected over their indexes. These indexes are then sorted by health values, so that adjoining couples are chosen. The fourth row of Figure 5 exhibits an instance of this choice, whereas its final row signifies which people are actually to be mated according to this criterion. Parallel GAs have been implemented on GPU for many take a look at issues using various parallelization fashions, demonstrating that good outcomes may be obtained specially for giant populations. Some examples are Luo and Liu,19 who employed a cellular model; Li et al,20 who used a master-slave model; and Luong et al,21 where island mannequin was preferred. Some GPU implementations of GAs are additionally reported for real-life biologic problems. Learning to write down laptop programs with the C++ programming language will deliver you a wonderful sense of accomplishment. When you become an efficient C++ developer, technical profession doorways will open for you and plenty of programming paths will become out there. C++ is a cornerstone in today's programming setting. In the journey there are often pace bumps, potholes, clear-air turbulence, and fog. A profitable programmer makes use of many abilities, including logical considering and troubleshooting. At instances, success seems to depend upon simply plain luck. If you may be already acquainted with one other programming language and at the moment are studying C++, you might be conscious of all these elements. If C++ is your first programming language, you will find these pearls of wisdom to be true soon sufficient. Classroom "Tested" The material in this C++ text is precise, correct, and written with a humorousness. Reviewers and college students alike comment as to Johnston's easy-to-read style.

Roulette random number and if statement c - In a second testchecktake a look at

Recently, instructors from across the country have reviewed the first edition. These people had glorious recommendations, a lot of which have been integrated into the 2nd version. Also, the material in the C++ Programming Today 2nd Edition was test-driven by introductory C++ programming students in her programs on the Central New Mexico Community College . Beginning C++ programmers latched onto the C++ string, vector, stringstream, and queue courses, and loved utilizing them within the assigned applications. " and job description strategy to capabilities and courses straightforward to grasp, and have become proficient at trying up class methods. This tactic is included within the 2nd version of this text. Further experimentation on actual case of aquaculture food regimen formulation was conducted utilizing those three choice operators. They are the roulette wheel, queen bee, and roulette-tournament alternatives. RWS is a classic choice operator in the proportional sort. Conceptually, the fitness value of every individual in the population corresponds to the area on the roulette wheel proportion.

Roulette random number and if statement c++

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Array Object To Datatable C#

Most likely, you are not just reading a single row of data all the time, but instead are retrieving many rows of data. You can use LINQ to SQL or the Entity Framework to generate code that creates these collections of objects for you. I think it is important to understand what these code generators do becausethe more you know, the better programmer you are.

array object to datatable c - Most likely

I you know how to build your own object collections using tried and true technology, you don't have to rely on Microsoft. Using ADO.NET for data access and building classes with properties and methods has not changed since .NET 1.0, so that is always a stable choice. In this article, you learned how to create an entity class and a collection of entity classes using DataTables and data readers. You can use collections of entity classes in your programming instead of data tables. Entity collections give you more flexibility with classes than you get with loosely-typed objects contained in data tables and data readers.

array object to datatable c - You can use LINQ to SQL or the Entity Framework to generate code that creates these collections of objects for you

You can create your own DataConvert class to be used to help you convert null data into a useable default value. Take advantage of the Field extension method on the DataRow class if you are working with nullable types. Reflection can be used to cut down the amount of code you write, but at the expense of a little speed. If you do use reflection, use the SetValue method instead of the InvokeMember method. You should also look at using code generation to generate much of this code. Aggregation - A function that accepts an array of all values of this column in this row group and returns a single value to display in the result row.

array object to datatable c#

The return value must be of the type specified by the object's type property. Details on creating your own aggregation function are given below. You must know what data types this method accepts and only call it on columns of the appropriate type. The API provides several useful aggregation functions. See Provided Aggregation Functions below for a list, or Creating an aggregation function to learn how to write your own aggregation function. Listing 7 uses LINQ with a DataTable to create a collection of Product objects where the properties are nullable types.

array object to datatable c - I you know how to build your own object collections using tried and true technology

Instead of using the DataConvert class, you use the Field extension method specifying the nullable data type to use for that property. If the data coming from the data row is null, a null is put into the property, otherwise the actual value is placed into the property. Notice that the ProductName property is only a string because there is no nullable string type. Because Field is an extension method, you need to add a reference to the System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll in your project in order to use the Field method. Now that you have a table and a class in which to put each row of data from the table, let's look at various ways to load up the collection of objects.

array object to datatable c - Using ADO

To start, you will learn to use a SqlDataAdapter and a DataTable object. In Listing 2 you create a SqlDataAdapter to fill a DataTable object. Loop through each row of data in the DataTable and create a new instance of a Product class. Retrieve each individual column, convert the value into the appropriate data type and set the property of the Product object. We can programmatically copy rows and columns from one Excel document to another. We can also copy rows and columns within the same worksheet or across different worksheets in an Excel document.

array object to datatable c - In this article

Aspose.Cells provides the following methods to copy rows and columns. The following code snippet illustrates how to import data directly from nested collection objects with default layout option. The input XML file used in the code can be downloaded here. Listing 4 is fairly straightforward and very similar to the code you used to load the collection using a DataTable.

array object to datatable c - You can use collections of entity classes in your programming instead of data tables

After building a data reader object, loop through each row and retrieve each column of data. Convert the data coming from the column into an appropriate value based on the data type. Remember when reading from a DataRow or from a column in the SqlDataReader that the data comes in as an "object" data type. So you must convert it in order to put it into a strongly typed property in your Product object.

array object to datatable c - Entity collections give you more flexibility with classes than you get with loosely-typed objects contained in data tables and data readers

Of course, you must still handle null values when using a data reader, so you use the DataConvert class just like before. The Product class, shown in Listing 1, is an example of creating a class that matches each column in the Product table. In this first sample, you use public properties instead of a full property definition. Feel free to add a private variable and then use a complete property get/set to return and set the value of the private variable, if you want. You might also notice that I marked this class as partial. Marking a class as partial gives you the flexibility to use a code generator to create this class and if you change the schema of your table, you can regenerate the class.

array object to datatable c - You can create your own DataConvert class to be used to help you convert null data into a useable default value

You can create another file with the other part of the Product class and add any additional properties or methods you want there. That way, you won't have to worry about overwriting these additional elements if you regenerate the code. Method Return Value Description createQueryFromPrefs google.visualization.Query Static. Create a new instance of google.visualization.Query and set its properties according to values from the gadget preferences.

array object to datatable c - Take advantage of the Field extension method on the DataRow class if you are working with nullable types

Preference _table_query_url is used to set the Query data source URL. Now, as I mentioned, I also support loading typed data so lets say we wanted the ID column in our data to be an integer data type. We'll need to change our array from string[][] to object[][], define a row of types, and then our data.

array object to datatable c - Reflection can be used to cut down the amount of code you write

The methods on the DataFactory class take a parameter that defines what row the types are located on. This defaults to -1, which signifies that types are not defined and that column data is strings. For each row of data, you will loop through the PropertyInfo array and use the property name to retrieve the corresponding column in the data reader. You then use that property name in the call to the SetValue method to set the property from the column in the data reader. Notice that you have to first check to see if the column data is a null.

array object to datatable c - If you do use reflection

If the data is null, set the property to a null value. This works because you are using the Product class with the nullable data types. We all retrieve data from a table at some time or another. There are many ways of getting this data, but how you work with the data within your program should be done with a class. For instance, when using a DataRow, you must remember the column name; in your class, you get IntelliSense on the property name. If you mistype the column name when using a DataRow, you get a runtime error, unlike mistyping a property name on a class, which earns you a compile-time error.

array object to datatable c - You should also look at using code generation to generate much of this code

With a class, you get strong typing of data values where all values coming from a DataRow or a data reader are exposed as the object data type. Using a class makes it easy to control the serialization of the class data because you can add attributes to each column. This is just not possible with a DataRow or with a data reader. When you use a class, you can inherit from a base class to add extra properties and functionality to each class.

array object to datatable c - Aggregation - A function that accepts an array of all values of this column in this row group and returns a single value to display in the result row

TwoDArray A two-dimensional array, where each row represents a row in the data table. If opt_firstRowIsData is false , the first row will be interpreted as header labels. The data types of each column are interpreted automatically from the data given. If a cell has no value, specify a null or empty value as appropriate. Opt_firstRowIsData Whether the first row defines a header row or not.

array object to datatable c - The return value must be of the type specified by the object

If false, the first row is assumed to be a header row, and the values are assigned as column labels. Selection_arrayAn array of selected objects, each one describing a data element in the underlying table used to create the visualization . Each object has properties row and/or column, with the index of the row and/or column of the selected item in the underlying DataTable. If the row property is null, then the selection is a column; if the column property is null, then the selection is a row; if both are non-null, then it is a specific data item.

array object to datatable c - Details on creating your own aggregation function are given below

You can call the DataTable.getValue() method to get the value of the selected item. The retrieved array can be passed into setSelection(). To add an array of objects into a DataTable (in this example called 'dt'). You first have to make sure your DataTable has at least as many columns as your array has fields. Optionally selects a data entry in the visualization—for example, a point in an area chart, or a bar in a bar chart.

array object to datatable c - You must know what data types this method accepts and only call it on columns of the appropriate type

When this method is called, the visualization should visually indicate what the new selection is. The implementation of setSelection() should not fire a "select" event. For example, a table that can show only selected rows may ignore cell or column elements in its setSelection() implementation, or it can select the entire row.

array object to datatable c - The API provides several useful aggregation functions

A ChartWrapper class is used to wrap your chart and handle all loading, drawing, and Datasource querying for your chart. The class exposes convenience methods for setting values on the chart and drawing it. This class simplifies reading from a data source, because you do not have to create a query callback handler.

array object to datatable c - See Provided Aggregation Functions below for a list

You can also use it to save a chart easily for reuse. Properties is an Object (a name/value map) with additional properties for this cell. To avoid overwriting this value, set this parameter to undefined; to clear this value, set it to null. Some visualizations support row, column, or cell properties to modify their display or behavior; see the visualization documentation to see what properties are supported.

array object to datatable c - Listing 7 uses LINQ with a DataTable to create a collection of Product objects where the properties are nullable types

GetNumberOfColumns() Number Returns the number of columns in the table. GetNumberOfRows() Number Returns the number of rows in the table. GetProperties Object Returns a map of all the properties for the specified cell. Note that the properties object is returned by reference, so changing values in the retrieved object changes them in the DataTable. The DataTable object is used to hold the data passed into a visualization. All data in each column must have the same data type.

array object to datatable c - Instead of using the DataConvert class

Each column has a descriptor that includes its data type, a label for that column , and an ID, which can be used to refer to a specific column . The DataTable object also supports a map of arbitrary properties assigned to a specific value, a row, a column, or the whole DataTable. Must be calldatatable.load() to load new modified datasource and rerender table. The code in Listing 8 uses a data reader, but you could just as well have used a DataTable. Let's use a LINQ query to iterate over the collection of DataRow objects within a DataTable.

array object to datatable c - If the data coming from the data row is null

After building your DataTable using a SqlDataAdapter, use the AsEnumerable method on the DataTable to turn the collection of DataRow objects into an enumerable list. Pattern String pattern that was used by a data source to format numeric, date, or time column values. This is for reference only; you probably won't need to read the pattern, and it isn't required to exist.

array object to datatable c - Notice that the ProductName property is only a string because there is no nullable string type

The Google Visualization client does not use this value (it reads the cell's formatted value). If the DataTable has come from a data source in response to a query with a format clause, the pattern you specified in that clause will probably be returned in this value. The recommended pattern standards are the ICU DecimalFormat and SimpleDateFormat .

array object to datatable c - Because Field is an extension method

Some visualizations support table, row, column, or cell properties to modify their display or behavior; see the visualization documentation to see what properties are supported. GetFilteredRows Array of objects Returns the row indexes for rows that match all of the given filters. The output of this method can be used as input to DataView.setRows() to change the displayed set of rows in a visualization. Cells can have a null value, or a value of the type specified by its column. Cells optionally can take a "formatted" version of the data; this is a string version of the data, formatted for display by a visualization. A visualization can use the formatted version for display, but will always use the data itself for any sorting or calculations that it makes .

array object to datatable c - Now that you have a table and a class in which to put each row of data from the table

An example might be assigning the values "low" "medium", and "high" as formatted values to numeric cell values of 1, 2, and 3. The best way I find to use this is, in my project, to create a new class called SampleData. In this class I provide a static method that returns all the data I want to load. I'll create this for every solution I need a data set in to customize the data I get back.

array object to datatable c - To start

I define it as a two dimension array and this lets me set it up to look like, making it easy to read. As I mentioned previously, the utility supports loading two kinds of data, string data and typed data, so lets look at an example using string data. @jono - the main reason I'd guess is because there wouldn't be two way converters. Since a serialized data table doesn't include data information and a generic data table doesn't have type information the parsing process would have to guess types based on values . In the following example, we are exporting data from a collection of objects to a worksheet containing merged cells. We are setting the value of ImportTableOptions.CheckMergedCells property to true as the Excel document contains merged cells.

array object to datatable c - In Listing 2 you create a SqlDataAdapter to fill a DataTable object

The following code snippet illustrates how to import data directly from nested collection objects with collapse group option. Let's now use the SetValue method to load collections of objects. For this sample, you will use the Product class that uses nullable types, as shown in Listing 6.

array object to datatable c - Loop through each row of data in the DataTable and create a new instance of a Product class

In order for this reflection code to work, you need to make sure that your property names are exactly the same name as the column names in your table. Listing 8 shows you how to rewrite the code to use reflection and the SetValue method to load your collection of Product objects. You pass five parameters to the InvokeMember method. The first parameter is the name of the property you wish to set. The second parameter is the name of the property or method you wish to invoke; in this case, the Set property.

array object to datatable c - Retrieve each individual column

The third parameter tells InvokeMember that you are using the default binder. The fourth parameter is the variable that contains a reference to an instance of the class specified by the type . The last parameter is an object array of whatever you need to pass to the method or property that you are invoking. In the last two examples, you use a DataConvert class to convert data from an object data type to either an actual value or a default value if the column data was a null. But, sometimes you wish to know that the data was null and show a blank value instead of DateTime.MinValue or a Zero . In order to accomplish this, you can do two things; change your Product class to use nullable types or use the Field extension method on the DataRow class.

array object to datatable c - We can programmatically copy rows and columns from one Excel document to another

Friday, January 21, 2022

Is Windows 11 Free Upgrade

If your existing Windows 10 PC is running Windows 10 20H1 or later and meets the minimum hardware specificationsit will be able to upgrade to Windows 11. The upgrade rollout plan is still being finalized, but for most devices already in use today, we expect it to be ready sometime in early 2022. Not all Windows 10 PCs that are eligible to upgrade will be offered to upgrade at the same time. To see if your PC is eligible to upgrade, refer to our knowledge base for a list of tested systems. Once the upgrade rollout has started, you can check if it is ready for your device by going to Settings/Windows Updates.

is windows 11 free upgrade - If your existing Windows 10 PC is running Windows 10 20H1 or later and meets the minimum hardware specificationsit will be able to upgrade to Windows 11

Similar to how end users are notified when updates are available in Windows 10, end users will see an indication in the notification areas of the taskbar in the bottom right, that the upgrade is available. More information on how that is presented will be available at a later date. Additional desktop notification options may be also be added at a later date.

is windows 11 free upgrade - The upgrade rollout plan is still being finalized

If your existing Windows 10 PC is running Windows 10 20H1 or later and meets the minimum hardware specifications it will be able to upgrade to Windows 11. To see if your PC is eligible to upgrade, refer to the specifications here. Warren noted that he rarely used the Widgets panel or Microsoft Teams, citing that he preferred the weather display that later versions of Windows 10 offered, and didn't use Teams to communicate with his friends and family. He also acknowledged the expansion of Microsoft Store to include more "traditional" desktop applications. Cunningham concluded that "as I've dug into and learned its ins and outs for this review, I've warmed to it more", but argued that the OS was facing similar "public perception" issues to Windows Vista and Windows 8.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Not all Windows 10 PCs that are eligible to upgrade will be offered to upgrade at the same time

If your existing Windows 10 PC is running the most current version of Windows 10 and meets the minimum hardware specifications it will be able to upgrade to Windows 11. Not all Windows 10 PCs that are eligible to upgrade to Windows 11 will be offered to upgrade at the same time. Computers still running a copy of Windows 8.1 can upgrade to Windows 11 without losing data or applications using the ISO file since it's a supported installation path.

is windows 11 free upgrade - To see if your PC is eligible to upgrade

However, before you upgrade to Windows 11 from Windows 8.1, you have to make sure that your laptop or desktop meets the minimum system requirements. For example, the computer must have a Trusted Platform Module 2.0 and Secure Boot present and enabled, it must also have a UEFI firmware, and the processor has to be an Intel's 8th Gen or newer or an AMD Zen 2 or newer. Original equipment manufacturers can still ship computers without a TPM 2.0 coprocessor upon Microsoft's approval. Some third-party software may refuse to run on unsupported configurations of Windows 11.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Once the upgrade rollout has started

Internet Explorer has been replaced by the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge as the default web browser, and Microsoft Teams is integrated into the Windows shell. Microsoft also announced plans to allow more flexibility in software that can be distributed via Microsoft Store, and to support Android apps on Windows 11 . If you are having a brand new laptop or PC, then your system must be compatible with Windows 11 or even might come with it preinstalled. But issues may arise with the older versions of PCs, as its hardware might not match with the requirements of Windows 11. If your PC has a 7th gen or previous Intel CPU, then it is unsupported by the latest upgrade. Still, you can migrate to Windows 11, but the way is a little more complicated as you will need to download install files, then perform a clean install and then restore the program and data files.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Similar to how end users are notified when updates are available in Windows 10

Is Windows 11 Going To Be Free Upgrade If the Microsoft Surface family of products isn't your style though, other brands like Dell, Asus and HP have all released pages online that specify what devices are Windows 11 ready. Note that many won't come with the new operating system installed, but as they all meet the minimum system requirements, you can simply buy the laptop or 2-in-1 as normal and then update it yourself. Microsoft commercially released Windows 11 on Oct. 4, and noted that it's a free upgrade for Windows 10 systems that meet the new operating system's minimum requirements. Individuals with Windows 10 systems that pass Windows 11's stringent hardware requirements will be offered the new OS via the Windows Update mechanism. It'll replace the underlying Windows 10 bits with Windows 11 bits via an automated "in-place upgrade" approach.

Is Windows 11 Going To Be Free Upgrade

However, it's possible for users to decline the upgrade and continue with Windows 10. It's not imperative that you upgrade your system to Windows in the next couple of weeks, or even months. For many people, that's about the time to upgrade to a newer device, one that will come with Windows 11 already installed. Most Windows 10 PCs currently being sold will be able to upgrade to New Windows. For the PC to be able to upgrade to New Windows, it must meet the minimum hardware specifications and specific hardware is required for some features found here.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Additional desktop notification options may be also be added at a later date

The upgrade rollout plan is still being finalised but is scheduled to begin late in 2021 and continue into 2022. In October 2019, Microsoft announced "Windows 10X", a future edition of Windows 10 designed exclusively for dual-touchscreen devices such as the then-upcoming Surface Neo. Legacy Windows applications would also be required to run in "containers" to ensure performance and power optimization. Microsoft stated that it planned to release Windows 10X devices by the end of 2020. Citing security considerations, the system requirements for Windows 11 were increased over Windows 10. While the OS can be installed on unsupported processors, Microsoft does not guarantee the availability of updates.

is windows 11 free upgrade - If your existing Windows 10 PC is running Windows 10 20H1 or later and meets the minimum hardware specifications it will be able to upgrade to Windows 11

Windows 11 also drops support for 32-bit x86 CPUs and devices which use BIOS firmware. All HUAWEI PCs with Windows 10 currently being sold on HUAWEI Consumer BG website will be able to upgrade to Windows 11. For the PC to be able to upgrade to Windows 11, it must meet the minimum hardware specifications and specific hardware is required for some features.

is windows 11 free upgrade - To see if your PC is eligible to upgrade

The upgrade rollout plan is still being finalized but is scheduled to begin late in 2021 and continue into 2022. For both types of upgrades, head to Microsoft's Windows 11 download page. To perform an in-place upgrade, use the Windows 11 Installation Assistant. For a clean install, you must create a bootable USB drive or DVD disc. Windows users should first try the Media Creation Tool for this process, since it does all the work for you. Mac and Linux users will have to flash or burn the ISO file for Windows 11 to a drive or disc, respectively.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Warren noted that he rarely used the Widgets panel or Microsoft Teams

You can check out our guide on how to upgrade to Windows 11 for more details on each of these methods. All Dell PCs with Windows 10 currently being sold on will be able to upgrade to Windows 11. As part of the minimum system requirements, Windows 11 only runs on devices with a Trusted Platform Module 2.0 security coprocessor. According to Microsoft, the TPM 2.0 coprocessor is a "critical building block" for protection against firmware and hardware attacks. In addition, Microsoft now requires devices with Windows 11 to include virtualization-based security , hypervisor-protected code integrity , and Secure Boot built-in and enabled by default. The operating system also features hardware-enforced stack protection for supported Intel and AMD processors for protection against zero-day exploits.

is windows 11 free upgrade - He also acknowledged the expansion of Microsoft Store to include more

A redesigned user interface is present frequently throughout the operating system, building upon Fluent Design System; translucency, shadows, a new color palette, and rounded geometry are prevalent throughout the UI. Microsoft has yet released an official statement regarding the pricing of Windows, or whether it will be a free upgrade like the previous versions were free updates for license holders. However, as per an article by Android Authority, Windows 11 will most likely be a free upgrade for individuals using Windows 10 or Windows 8 with valid licenses. The Windows 11 free upgrade will be installed onto your computer/laptop just like any other Windows update, without any hassle or manual updation required. The article by Android Authority also states that all of your personal user data and settings will be preserved in the update and will be applied to the Windows 11 update.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Cunningham concluded that

Windows 11 download will be available once Microsoft released the update publicly. Furthermore, if you plan to upgrade with a clean installation, you will also need to make sure the computer can start from a USB flash drive. For example, even though Windows 11 is available as a free optional update for Windows 10, the device must meet the new system requirements. You need to ensure that the Trusted Platform Module and Secure Boot are enabled on the computer.

is windows 11 free upgrade - If your existing Windows 10 PC is running the most current version of Windows 10 and meets the minimum hardware specifications it will be able to upgrade to Windows 11

You also need to make sure the device has enough space and there are no problems before continuing with the upgrade. Furthermore, you want to create a backup in the case you need to roll back, check the activation status, and create installation media. Windows 11 is a free upgrade, but the minimum system requirements are quite a bit higher than ever before. Microsoft calls Windows 11 the most secure Windows yet, and that tag comes at the cost of backward compatibility. Trusted Platform Module 2.0, aka TPM 2.0, is one of those requirements.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Not all Windows 10 PCs that are eligible to upgrade to Windows 11 will be offered to upgrade at the same time

There are ways to manually install Windows 11 on incompatible systems, but those include giving up on official future updates via Windows Update and/or modifying the Windows 11 ISO file to remove security checks. There are many users who, after the release of Windows 11, went ahead and checked whether their PC is eligible to be upgraded with Windows 11. Sadly, they found out that their PC does not meet the minimum requirements to install Windows 11. In this case, the question arises what options are left then? To put it simply, the best option here is to buy a new PC before the deadline, i.e. 2025.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Computers still running a copy of Windows 8

There are a few risks that come along with not updating to Windows 11, these include losing out on the latest features, security updates, patches, and compatibility with upcoming security features and applications. Many games that use Anti-cheat tools also have started relying on Windows 11 security features to provide fair gameplay. While these games still work on Windows 10, it is only a matter of time before Windows 11 ends up becoming a requirement. Microsoft makes you accept that the company can stop providing updates, and security patches to Windows 11 on these devices. While Microsoft is unlikely to do that in practice, it's still better to be on the safer side. Also, you're likely to run into driver incompatibility issues on unsupported devices.

is windows 11 free upgrade - However

Especially, if your computer is running hardware that is more than 5-6 years old. You can refer to our knowledge base for a list of tested systems to determine if your device eligible to upgrade to Windows -11. Many PCs that are less than four years old will be able to upgrade to Windows 11.

is windows 11 free upgrade - For example

They must be running 20H1 or later version of Windows 10 and meet the minimum hardware requirements to receive the Windows 11 upgrade. Upgrades to Windows 11 will begin to roll out late in 2021 and continue into 2022. During this time, we will be doing some behind the scenes testing and validating for your specific PC. Windows Update will provide an indication if and when your PC is eligible. At least 16GB of RAM The basic system requirements of Windows 11 differ significantly from Windows 10.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Original equipment manufacturers can still ship computers without a TPM 2

Windows 11 only supports 64-bit systems such as those using an x86-64 or ARM64 processor; IA-32 processors are no longer supported. Thus, Windows 11 is the first ever consumer version of Windows not to support 32-bit processors and 16-bit software . The minimum RAM and storage requirements were also increased; Windows 11 now requires at least 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. The compatibility list includes the Intel Core i7-7820HQ, a seventh-generation processor used by the Surface Studio 2, although only on devices that shipped with DCH-based drivers. Windows 11 SE was announced on November 9, 2021, as an edition exclusively for low-end devices sold in the education market, and a successor to Windows 10 S. It is bundled with applications such as Microsoft Office for Microsoft 365, Minecraft Education Edition, and Flipgrid, while OneDrive is used to save files by default.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Some third-party software may refuse to run on unsupported configurations of Windows 11

Windows 11 SE does not include Microsoft Store; third-party software is provisioned or installed by administrators. Microsoft continues to test new features and improvements after Windows 11 was released. It only tests the latest version of Windows with members who participate in the Windows Insider Program in the Dev, Beta and Release Preview channels. The Beta and Release Preview channels offer admins and users a sneak peek at the end of the month of non-security updates that will arrive in the Patch Tuesday update, which falls on the second Tuesday of every month. Once you complete the steps, the tool will download the files and create an installation media, which you can then use to upgrade a compatible computer to Windows 11. If you have had the same installation for a long time, you might need to analyze and repair the current setup to fix missing or damaged files.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Internet Explorer has been replaced by the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge as the default web browser

Otherwise, during the upgrade process, the chances of running into issues will be high. However, if you plan to proceed with a clean installation using a bootable USB flash drive, then you can't skip this suggestion since the previous installation will be erased during the process. If you haven't already received an alert prompting you to update, and your PC is compatible with Windows 11, you can use the Windows 11 Installation Assistant Tool to download and install the update onto your system. This will not erase any of your personal files and is similar to an OTA (over-the-air) update – however, it's always advisable to have backups. Similarly, you can create a bootable USB drive or a disk image to perform a clean install. On the day 24 June, Microsoft unveiled the next OS generation Windows 11, which comes with an overhaul new UI, Start Menu arrangements and solid security requirements of a TPM 2.0 chip and UEFI secure boot.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Microsoft also announced plans to allow more flexibility in software that can be distributed via Microsoft Store

The overall security improvement in Windows 11 is optimistically estimated to be a 40% increase than Windows 10! Microsoft hopes that all the modern computers and laptops get the Windows 11 free upgrade from Windows 10 since they meet the minimum system requirements as below. For new users, Windows 11 will seem like a good option with the new design.

is windows 11 free upgrade - If you are having a brand new laptop or PC

You get rounded corners, a departure from the sharp edges we've seen in Windows for a long time. The Start Menu is now cleaner, featuring pinned apps and a recommended tab that shows you files based on your recent usage. The desktop more or less stays the same, but the right-click menu gets a simplified look, with the most common options like cut, copy, paste, and rename, at the top in a grid. Once you complete the steps, the upgrade process will begin preserving your files and applications. After the installation, you won't need to complete the out-of-box experience to choose your privacy settings. If you're using Windows 10, installing Windows 11 will feel just like installing a Windows 10 feature update.

is windows 11 free upgrade - But issues may arise with the older versions of PCs

Microsoft has said exactly that, which means the upgrade process should be pretty easy. It's also been confirmed that Windows 11 will be a free update for Windows 10 users, as long as their PC is compatible. The free upgrade will start rolling out this holiday and it has no set end date yet, so you should be able to upgrade whenever you feel ready. Windows 11, the first major Windows release since 2015, builds upon its predecessor by revamping the user interface to follow Microsoft's new Fluent Design guidelines. The redesign, which focuses on ease of use and flexibility, comes alongside new productivity and social features and updates to security and accessibility, addressing some of the deficiencies of Windows 10. There is a way to install Windows 11 on unsupported hardware, but we wouldn't recommend it.

is windows 11 free upgrade - If your PC has a 7th gen or previous Intel CPU

Although Microsoft hasn't confirmed it, the company has heavily implied that unsupported users won't receive critical security updates. If you still want to install, you can do so using the Media Creation Tool, which bypasses hardware checks. Microsoft doesn't recommend installing Windows 11 on devices that don't meet the system requirements, but you'll still be able to do so. It's worth noting that you might not get Windows 11 updates on PCs with unsupported processors. Next, Microsoft says it will look at hardware eligibility, reliability metrics and other factors on existing Windows 10 devices to determine when to offer the latest OS through Windows Update.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Still

It's a similar approach to how the company has handled Windows 10 feature updates over the years. You can find out whether your device is compatible using the PC Health Check app. Windows 11 brings a refreshed user interface, better performance and security, and a variety of new features. Based on my initial experience using a review version of Windows 11 for the past two days, it's a solid upgrade with some nice benefits, but not a drop-everything-and-get-this update for Windows 10 users.

is windows 11 free upgrade - If the Microsoft Surface family of products isn

After you complete the steps, the device should be able to boot from a USB installation media and pass the minimum system requirements check. Microsoft has limited the number of devices that can officially run the latest version of Windows, with its restrictive hardware requirements. Most of the latest laptops will support Windows 11, but you're probably out of luck if you built your own desktop PC or use anything more than around four years old. With that said, if your device supports Windows 11, there is no reason you should not upgrade. If you right-click on the taskbar, you now see just one option that lets you enter the taskbar settings, instead of the plethora of options in previous versions of Windows. However, this means you cannot reposition the taskbar to either side or the top of your screen anymore with Windows 11, which is kind of a bummer.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Note that many won

The Start button follows all the new design fundamentals of Windows 11 with rounded corners, colourful icons, pinned apps, and a huge search bar. The search button feels more useful and responsive compared to Windows 10's version. If you hover over the icon, it will show you your most recent searches, which could save you some time. Once the installation is complete, you should find all of your files and applications in the same place you left them before the update.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Microsoft commercially released Windows 11 on Oct

Some may sport a new look (those rounded edges on apps and folders look nice, don't they?) but everything should function as you remember. For long-time Windows users, this update may cause a few annoyances. The start button resides in the center by default, although you can move it back to the left. Also, the right-click menu hides away some menu options, like some app-specific functions you get with apps like Winrar, or some other Windows options like Troubleshoot compatibility.

is windows 11 free upgrade - Individuals with Windows 10 systems that pass Windows 11

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